Scenic Preference Survey
The city of Cairns is nestled between two World-Heritage sites, the Great Barrier Reef and Wet Tropics rainforests, creating some spectacularly unique natural scenery in Cairns. You have told us in previous conversations about Towards 2050 that the natural environment is one of the things that makes up our unique ‘Cairns-ness’.
This Scenic Preference Survey is a critical component for Cairns Regional Council to understand community preferences for scenic places around the Cairns region. From the popular Esplanade with its saltwater lagoon and boardwalk along the Trinity Inlet, to the Wet Tropics rainforests and mountains of the Great Dividing Range, this survey aims to understand what you truly value about Cairns’ stunning natural landscapes so it can be protected now and for generations to come.
Your feedback on this survey will inform the Scenic Amenity Study. This study helps us understand how much people appreciate different parts of the landscape in the Cairns region when they look at the open spaces from important viewpoints. This study helps Cairns Regional Council figure out which areas are most highly valued by the community. It will help to inform what level of protection is required for each of the scenic places and how to preserve our unique environment as the population grows. The survey methodology draws from internationally recognised standards and processes that are endorsed by the Queensland Government in identifying and protecting scenic amenity values.
This is one of the many strategies Cairns Regional Council is undertaking as part of Towards 2050: Shaping Cairns project.
This survey will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete.
The survey has a 'Save and return later' function. When you use this function, you can save your uncompleted survey and return to it another time.
Please Note: we recommend you write down or email your survey code to yourself. Your code is unique to you and Council cannot access or retrieve your code.
Thank you for taking part in shaping the future of Cairns.
Scenic Preference Survey
The Scenic Preference Survey is now closed for submissions. Thank you for your participation.
Contact Us
Have questions or want to learn more about this study or the Towards 2050 Shaping Cairns project, contact us below:
Name | The Towards 2050 Team |
Phone | 07 4044 3061 | | |
Website | |
In writing |
About the Scenic Amenity Study
What is a Scenic Amenity Study?
The Scenic Amenity Study aims to identify and assess the visual qualities and landscape values, or natural beauty, of Cairns. By understanding the scenic qualities of Cairns, we can make better decisions to inform land use policy and guide development in a way that protects and enhances the region’s natural beauty so that it remains an appealing place to live, work in, and visit.
Towards 2050: Shaping Cairns has a critical role to play in protecting and enhancing scenic amenity values for current and future generations of Cairns residents, while enhancing the sustainability and liveability of the region.
The Scenic Amenity Study is one of a suite of technical studies being prepared for the Towards 2050 Growth Strategy project. This Study will integrate current community preferences - as identified through the Scenic Preference Survey - with contemporary themes and policies to help identify and assess the scenic qualities of Cairns and guide its protection and management.
What is scenic amenity?
Scenic amenity is defined as “a measure of the relative contribution of each place in the landscape to the collective appreciation of open space as viewed from places that are important to the public” (Department of Natural Resources, 2001).
It refers to the visual qualities and landscape values of a place. It is a combination of two factors: scenic preference and visual exposure.
What is scenic preference?
Scenic preference is defined as “a rating of the community’s liking for scenery of open space compared to areas occupied by built structures, measured using photographs” (Department of Natural Resources, 2001).
It indicates people’s relative preference for different landscape features
What is visual exposure?
Visual exposure is defined as “a measure of the extent to which a place in the landscape is seen from important public viewing locations (e.g. roads, recreation areas, schools, golf courses)” (Department of Natural Resources, 2001)
Visual exposure can be defined as a measure of a relative visibility of different parts of the landscape.
What are we doing to complete the Scenic Amenity Study?
The Scenic Amenity Study involves evaluating the planning context at multiple levels of government that underpins the protection and enhancement of scenic amenity values. It implements the technical guidelines and procedures that are endorsed by state and local government to assist in determining these values.
The process of conducting the Scenic Amenity Study is a collective effort that involves identifying key stakeholders, engaging local communities and providing key findings and recommendations to ensure future growth retains the intrinsic and scenic qualities of Cairns. One of the integral components to conducting this study is understanding the local community’s preference and appreciation of the scenic qualities of the Cairns region.
This is done through a Scenic Preference Survey where community members are asked to rate scenes of the various landscapes within Cairns and rank the visual elements for their importance. Participants are asked to share where their favourite scenic place in Cairns is, and what are the qualities that define its scenic qualities.
The Scenic Preference Survey follows a standard methodology that was first adopted in south-east Queensland. This methodology has since been endorsed by Queensland Government and used by other local government areas in Queensland to assess community scenic preferences (please refer to the Document Library).
The information on the community's scenic preferences is then categorised, combined and compared with previous studies and reports and mapping of visual exposure to map out the scenic qualities in Cairns.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Scoping and classifying the region's landscapes
Scenic and landscapes quality expert undertake scoping of the study and classifiying the region's landscapes.
Timeline item 2 - complete
Field survey and state benchmark photographs
Representative photos of various scenic and landscape scenes are taken in preparation preference study.
Timeline item 3 - complete
Community engagement and consultation
Conduct scenic preference survey. The Cairns community are asked to assess various scenes and rate their scenic amenity quality.
Timeline item 4 - active
Data analysis and outcomes report
All the survey data from scenic preference survey are collated and analysed.
Timeline item 5 - incomplete
Mapping of Cairns scenic quality
Timeline item 6 - incomplete
Final report and scenic mapping
The final scenic amenity study report and mapping will be used to inform the direction of the Towards 2050 Growth Strategy.