Towards 2050 Directions Paper

Over the past 8 months, we have been developing possible directions to facilitate growth in Cairns. We have developed 3 Growth Directions that look at the Cairns region as a whole and show ideas for where we could focus growth. These Growth Directions based on what we heard from you through community and stakeholder feedback, and what we learnt from a range of technical inputs. This formed the basis of what we could do to accommodate growth.

At the heart of our plan lies the future role and support of the city's most vital asset: its city centre. As the primary destination for tourism, employment, entertainment, accommodation, and lifestyle, our strategy encompasses various approaches to bolster the centre's significance and growth.

We have developed 3 Growth Directions to generate thought and further discussion. You can read these in the Directions Paper (.pdf 13.8MB) or the Executive Summary (.pdf 1.4MB).

The Directions Paper survey is now closed. Thank you for your participation.

Directions Paper survey


If you would like to learn more about housing types, and the housing types we need, you can watch a short video below.

What type of homes do we need and where should they go?

Natural Environment and hazards

If you would like to learn more about how we can protect and enhance our natural assets, you can watch these short videos below.

How Can We Protect and Enhance Our Flora, Fauna and Natural Assets as We Grow?

How Can Growth Help Our City Better Prepare for, Respond to and Recover from Natural Hazards?

Neighbourhoods, culture, heritage and lifestyle

If you would like to learn more about creating great tropical neighbourhoods, you can watch this short video below.

How can we successfully evolve our established neighbourhoods as we grow?

Infrastructure, centre and local economy

If you would like to learn more about improving our economic and social life, or how to efficiently move people and goods around the city, you can watch these short videos below.

How can we move people and goods around our city more efficiently?

How can we improve the economic and social life of our city?